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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The manuscript begin with the title in both English and Swedish, followed by author(s) name(s), abstract and author(s) address(es).
  • The submission follows the stylistic guidlines provided in the author instructions.
  • All references mentioned in the text are provided in the reference list, and for websites the address is provided.

Author Guidelines


Read this page before submitting your manuscript. Use the papers published in this issue as a template when preparing the final draft of your manuscript. The manuscript should be written in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian may also be accepted. Papers of international interest should, however, be in English as well as papers written by non-Scandinavian authors. The use of illustrations and photos are encouraged. The manuscripts are accepted (often after changes) or rejected after review by the editor and two appointed peer reviewers. The editor can assist in translating some parts of the manuscripts when necessary.

The manuscript should begin with the title in both English and Swedish, followed by author(s) name(s), abstract and author(s) address(es). The title should be short but informative. Abstract is always in English and must not exceed 200 words.


The only formatting that should be used are line breaks, italics and bold. Write scientific names of genera and species in italics. Lists of records must be structured in a consequent patters: ”Country: Province, parish, locality, other circumstances, date, collector, locality for next record...” et cetera. Order provinces geographically, order the parishes alphabetically or geographically. Parishes can be substituted by municipalities (but it must be consequent through the whole paper). Coordinates should be included.


Are placed on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. The table heading and legends should be given in both English and Swedish. Tables are numbered with Arabic numbers and should be cited in the text as e.g. ”Table 1”.


Figures (maps, diagrams, drawings and photos) should be used. These are also placed on separate pages at the end of the manuscript, or in a separate file. In the submitted draft low resolution of figures is accepted to save space. Original figures can be sent after acceptance. Figure legends should be given in both English and Swedish. The figures are numbered with Arabic numbers and parts of figures with letters. All figures should be cited in the text with e.g. ”Fig. 1”.

Proportions should fit the layout of the journal: breath 140 mm and height 195 mm. The figures might be resized by the editor. Final versions of figures should have a resolution of at least 300 ppi for photos and 1000 ppi for bitmap (1660 pixels of 14 cm wide). File formats that are accepted are high quality JPEG, TIFF, Photoshop PSD, EPS or SVG.


References are listed at the end of the text of the manuscripts, sorted in alphabetical order. All references must be cited in the text. Below are examples (journal paper, book and book chapter and internet).

Nilsson, L.A. & Cederberg, B. 2001. Nomada fucata, ett för Sverige nytt gökbi (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). – Entomologisk Tidskrift 123: 19–22.

Trägårdh, I. 1939. Sveriges skogsinsekter. 2:nd ed. – Hugo Geber, Stockholm.

Stephens, J.M. 1963. Immunity in insects. – In: Steinhaus. E.A. (ed.). Insect pathology. An advanced treatise. Vol. 1: 273–297. Academic Press, New York.

Artdatabanken. 2020. Artfakta, Praktgökbi. (accessed 2020-01-19).

In the text citations are given as follows: Trägårdh (1939), or for specific pages: Trägårdh (1939: 285–287). Two authors are cited by (Nilsson & Cederberg 2001) and more than two are citet by (Franzén et al. 2002).

Submission of manuscript

Please check the manuscript thoroughly and make sure it follows the format presented in this issue. The editor may edit the text further, but a better prepared manuscript will be expedited more quickly. The manuscript is sent either through this website (“Make a Submission”) or by e-mail as attachment. (


The author is provided with a proof and the opportunity to make changes and correct errors in the text and layout. All problems should be corrected, but making major changes of the contents is not possible.


The author receives a high-resolution PDF file for personal use (or sharing with other researchers, but not for depositing in a library/website/ftp site for public access).

Privacy Statement

In this policy, we explain how we collect and use personal information. We also describe your rights and how you can enforce them.

You are always welcome to contact us if you have questions about how we process your personal data.

What is a personal data and what is a processing of personal data?

Personal data is all data about a living natural person that can be directly or indirectly linked to that person. It is not just about names and social security numbers but also about, for example, photos and e-mail addresses.

Processing of personal data is everything that happens with the personal data in the IT systems, regardless of whether it is mobile devices or computers. These include collection, registration, structuring, storage, processing and transfer. In some cases, manual registers may also be included.

Personal data manager

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What personal information do we collect about you and why?

We mainly process your name, address and contact information. We process your personal data in order to be able to deliver subscriptions, and if you have approved this so that we can contact you for reviews of manuscripts.

How long do we store your personal information?

We never store your personal information for longer than is necessary for each purpose. If you do not renew your subscription within one year, your information on will be removed.

What are your registered rights?

As a registered person, you have a number of rights under current legislation. You have the right to receive an extract that shows what personal information we have registered about you. You can request the correction of incorrect information and in some cases deletion.

Contact us with questions about how we process personal data.

If you have questions about how we process personal data, contact the subscription office (