Anmärkningsvärda fynd av småfjärilar (Microlepidoptera) i Sverige 2021
Microlepidoptera, Lepidoptera, småfjärilar, årsrapport, nya fyndAbstract
This is the 49th annual report on noteworthy records of Microlepidoptera in Sweden. The disposition is the same as previous years. All reports of interesting Microlepidoptera found and reported in 2021 or earlier, are validated by voucher specimens, by unambiguous photographs, or by the collectors/photographers, who have given relevant and trustworthy data for the find. Most information has been retrieved from the Swedish portal “Species Observation System” or from pertinent Facebook groups.
During 2021 the weather altered significantly every month without reaching extremes. Like previous years, the winter of 2020/2021 was very mild. In the spring the temperature varied considerably. The summer was characterized by short periods of high temperatures but in August cold weather superseded. In September and October warmer periods appeared with some immigration of particularly Macrolepidoptera.
Two species of Microlepidoptera were recorded new to Sweden, viz. Acompsia schmidtiella (Heyden, 1848) and Coleophora gardesanella Toll, 1953. The first species was found in two different places in the southwest of the province Skåne in gardens, where Wild Marjoram Origanum vulgare were growing. The second one was found in a light trap at the south coast of Skåne.
As previous years several species have extended their distribution area towards the north. Additional generations were recorded for many species, an apparent result of the global warming.
The number of recorded species of Microlepidoptera in Sweden is 1773.

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