Det 34:e svenska entomologmötet i Löderup Strandbad, Skåne
Sveriges Entomologiska Förening, ÅrsrapportAbstract
The 34th Swedish Entomology Meeting was held 28th-30th of June 2024 in Löderup Strandbad by the Baltic Sea coast in southeasternmost Sweden. The meeting was hosted by the Entomological Society of Lund (ESIL) and included 45 participants. Besides mandatory society issues and appointments, both day and night excursions were held in the dry, flowerrich surroundings which produced a large number of interesting insect finds, including rare species typical for the area such as Harpalus autumnalis (Duft.), Halictus quadricinctus (F.), Chrysis scutellata F., Scopula marginepunctata (Goeze) and Cheilosia laticornis Rondani.
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