Släktet Gnathusa Fenyes (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, Oxypodini)
Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, Oxypodini, Gnathusa, revision, skalbaggarAbstract
Gnathusa Fenyes, 1909 is shown to be the oldest available name for the junior homonym Eurylophus J. Sahlberg, 1876 nec Schönherr, 1836. Originally described from the Nearctic, Gnathusa is in fact a Holarctic genus with species in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, China, USA and Canada. Drepasiagonusa Pace, 2012 is a junior subjective synonym of Gnathusa Fenyes, 1909. Gnathusa feldmanni (Assing, 2018) is regarded as a valid species, not a subjective junior synonym of Gnathusa grandiceps (J. Sahlberg, 1876). Six new combinations are presented: Gnathusa angulata (Assing, 2018) (Drepasiagonusa); Gnathusa grandiceps (J. Sahlberg, 1876) (Eurylophus); Gnathusa feldmanni (Assing, 2018) (Drepasiagonusa); Gnathusa procera (Assing, 2018) (Drepasiagonusa); Gnathusa smetanai (Pace, 2018) (Drepasiagonusa) and Gnathusa tibetica (Assing, 2018) (Drepasiagonusa). Gnathusa seeversi nomen novum is proposed for the secondary junior homonym Gnathusa grandiceps (Casey, 1911) [Haploglossa] not Gnathusa grandiceps (J. Sahlberg, 1876) [Eurylophus].

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