Första fyndet av sköldlusen Aspidiotus hedericola Leonardi, 1920 i Skandinavien (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha, Diaspididae)
sköldlöss, Hemiptera, Aspidiotus hedericola, murgröna, nytt fyndAbstract
Aspidiotus hedericola was found for the first time in the southernmost province (Scania) in Sweden and in Denmark (Copenhagen). The species infested ivy, Hedera helix L. The insects were preserved in 75% ethanol and then dewaxed in a solution of xylen, ethyl acetat and ethanol. The specimens were then heated gently in ethanol, KOH and lactic acid respectively. The cleared insects were placed in a staining solution. After clearing in clove oil, they were mounted in Euparal. The microscopic slides were examined and photographed using focus stacking. This article deals with morphology, biology, host plants and distribution patterns worldwide as well. The presence of another three scale insect species Pulvinaria regalis Canard, 1968, Physokermes inopinatus Danzig & Kozár, 1973 and Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Tagioni Tozzetti, 1886) previously introduced to Sweden are discussed.
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