Intressanta fynd av storfjärilar (Macrolepidoptera) i Sverige 2021
Lepidoptera, Macrolepidoptera, Storfjärilar, Årsrapport, nytt fyndAbstract
This is the 49th consecutive annual report of new and interesting finds of Macrolepidoptera in Sweden including a compilation of new provincial records, most of the new records are retrieved from the Swedish Species Observation System The trend with warmer climate and thus longer vegetation periods continues to have a strong impact on faunal changes and the distribution of the Swedish Lepidopteran fauna. New species, mainly from south and east find their way almost yearly to our country. In 2021 three new species were observed for the first time in Sweden: Amata phegea, Mormo maura and Xylomoia graminea. The trend with expansion mainly northwards and inlands is still strong among species like: Zygaena minos, Pararge aegeria, Apatura ilia, Araschnia levana, Idaea ochrata, Mesoleuca albicillata, Hydrelia sylvata, Melanthia procellata, Eupithecia abbreviata, Cucullia scrophulariae, Cryphia algae, Hoplodrina ambigua, Atethmia centrago, Conisania luteago, Noctua interposita, Epilecta linogrisea, Meganola albula but also among many other species. A new and remarkable feature in the new climatic conditions is that species like Pararge aegeria, Watsonalla binaria and many others can produce full or partial second or even third generations in their just recently reached northernmost range limits. An impressive number of migrants found their way to Sweden, mostly from August to October. Among the more noteworthy are: Argynnis laodice, Acherontia atropos, Scopula nigropunctata, Orthonama obstipata, Horisme corticata, Narraga fasciolaria, Isturgia arenacearia, Rhyparia purpurata, Catocala elocata, Catocala electa, Chrysodeixis chalcites, Heliothis adaucta, Helicoverpa armigera, Caradrina kadenii, Mythimna vitellina, Peridroma saucium, Agrotis bigramma, Xestia ditrapezium, Nycteola asiatica. In northernmost Sweden Gazoryctra ganna was found for the third successive year, showing that the moth is resident in Sweden and presumably has been so during all the year it was not found. Also, one new, small population of Lycaena helle was found indicating that the species still lingers on 3-4 localities in Northernmost Sweden. In Skåne in southernmost Sweden the moths Lithostege farinata, Hadena filograna have been observed again after many years absence. They have been considered as nationally respectively regionally extinct, but hopefully new influx or some concealed unknown population may rescue the species survival in Skåne again. The number of macrolepidoptera found in Sweden is now 1130, of which 16 are introduced.

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