Långklubbsteklar (Chalcidoidea: Signiphoridae) i Sverige, med en ny art för landet samt nya landskapsfynd


  • Christer Hansson


signiphoridae, new species, Clytina giraudi


The Swedish species of signiphorids (Chalcidoidea: Signiphoridae) are reviewed. Three species occur in the country, of which Clytina giraudi Erdös, 1957 is reported for the first time. Specimens of this species were reared from galls induced by Lipara lucens Meigen, 1830 (Diptera: Chloropidae) on common reed (Phragmites australis). New province records for the other two species, Chartocerus subaenea (Förster, 1878) and Thysanus ater Walker, 1840, are presented. All species are diagnosed, illustrated and included in an identification key. Notes on distribution and biology are also included.



Referera så här

Hansson, C. (2024). Långklubbsteklar (Chalcidoidea: Signiphoridae) i Sverige, med en ny art för landet samt nya landskapsfynd. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 145(3). Hämtad från http://et-online.nu/index.php/contents/article/view/172

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