Intressanta fynd av storfjärilar (Macrolepidoptera) i Sverige 2019
Lepidoptera, storfjärilar, årsrapportAbstract
This is the 47th consecutive annual report of new and interesting finds of Macrolepidoptera in Sweden, and also a compilation of new provincial records. This summer was also warmer than average, with periods of favourable S-SE winds, which brought many migrating Lepidoptera to Sweden. Five species were for the first time recorded in Sweden. These are: Isturgia arenacearia, Ascotis selenaria, Eublemma purpurina, Caradrina kadenii and Leucania loreyi. Many other migrant moths like Agrius convolvuli, Macroglossum stellatarum, Hyles livornica, Thaumetopoea processionea, Eilema griseolum, Grammodes stolida, Catocala fulminea, C. adultera, C. elocata, Helicoverpa armigera, Autographa mandarina, Spodoptera exigua, Blepharita amica, Mythimna vittelina, Peridroma saucium, Xestia ditrapezium, and Nycteola asiatica were also recorded. This report also gives numerous examples of native butterflies and moths expanding northwards in the country due to the climate change. The number of Macrolepidoptera species found in Sweden are now 1126, of which 16 are introduced. Possibly the most remarkable observation this year is the rediscovery of Gazoryctra ganna, in northernmost Sweden, 172 year after the last and only time the species has been found in the country. In addition, a second find of the enigmatic species Mniotype bathensis from 2015 in Jämtland is also extraordinary. This observation further supports the view that the species is resident in the southern Scandinavian mountain region. Unfortunately, the situation for the endangered butterfly Melitaea britomartis is becoming extremely critical. No observations at all could be done this year in the two remaining habitats in Småland and Västmanland (Artportalen).

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