Intressanta fynd av storfjärilar (Macrolepidoptera) i Sverige 2020


  • Göran Palmqvist
  • Nils Ryrholm


Lepidoptera, Macrolepidoptera, storfjärilar, årsrapport, nya fynd


This is the 48th annual report of new and interesting finds of Macrolepidoptera in Sweden with a compilation of new provincial records. This season was warm compared with what was previously average in Sweden, except for the north-easternmost parts of the country and some areas in the Swedish mountains, which partly experienced cool and wet weather. However, the summer temperatures were much less extreme than in 2018, with some cool spells as well. The presence of Gazoryctra ganna as a native species was confirmed by additional observations on the same site as in previous year, plus the discovery of new location further north in the Torne valley. A large number of species continues to expand northwards and inlands like Idaea emarginata, Apeira syringaria, Cryphia algae, Apamea epomidion, Cirrhia ocellaris, Atethmia centrago, Agrotis puta, Apamea scolopacina; and some also are rounding the Gulf of Bothnia from the east like Globia sparganii and Noctua comes. Many migrant species were found in periods with S-SE winds like Agrius convolvuli, Acherontia atropos, Macroglossum stellatarum, Hyles euphorbiae, Orthonama obstipata, Hypena lividalis, Eublemma purpurina, Heliothis peltigera, Heliothis adaucta, Helicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera exigua, Fabula zollikoferi, Mythimna vitellina, Agrotis bigramma, Xestia ditrapezium and Nycteola asiatica. The globally widespread moth Utetheisa pulchella was recorded for the first time in Sweden on the Baltic islands Öland and Gotland. The butterfly Melitaea britomartis (CR) could not be rediscovered for the second year and must now be considered as extinct in Sweden. In addition, the butterfly Plebejus argyrognomon (EN) was not found this year and appears to have gone extinct. Both these butterfly species have almost unique subspecies in Sweden which makes this loss very serious.




Referera så här

Palmqvist, G., & Ryrholm, N. (2021). Intressanta fynd av storfjärilar (Macrolepidoptera) i Sverige 2020. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 142(1-2), 95–104. Hämtad från




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