Revision av de svenska arterna av Odontocolon (Cushman, 1942) (Ichneumonidae: Xoridinae) med beskrivning av en ny art samt en illustrerad nyckel till arterna
Hymenoptera, brokparasitsteklar, ny art, revision, bestämningsnyckelAbstract
The Swedish species of Odontocolon Cushman, 1942, are revised and a new species, Odontocolon styx sp. nov. is described from Swedish material. Odontocolon thomsoni (Clément, 1938) syn. nov. is synonymized with Odontocolon appendiculatum (Gravenhorst, 1829). Odontocolon cretense (Szépligeti, 1914) stat rev. is excluded from synonymy with Odontocolon appendiculatum (Gravenhorst, 1829) and reinstated as a valid species. Odontocolon geniculatum (Kriechbaumer, 1889) is deleted from the Swedish species list. An illustrated key to the Odontocolon species occurring in Northern Europe is provided. A discussion on the potential role of Odontocolon-species as indicators of biologically rich forests and ecologically sustainable forestry is given.

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