Intressanta fynd av storfjärilar (Macrolepidoptera) i Sverige 2018
Lepidoptera, storfjärilar, årsrapportAbstract
This is the 46th consecutive annual report on interesting finds and new provincial records of Macrolepidoptera in Sweden. Though an extremely warm summer, no species was reported new to Sweden. On the other hand, many migrants were recorded as Macroglossum stellatarum, Agrius convolvuli, Orthonama obstipata, Catocala fulminea, Catocala elocata, Amphipyra livida, Heliothis viriplaca, Spodoptera exigua, Mythimna vittelina, Peridroma saucium and Nycteola asiatica. This report also gives many examples of butterflies and moths expanding northwards due to the climate change. Studies by Arnscheid & Weidlich 2018 shows that Taleporia borealis is a synonym of Taleporia tubulosa. The number of Macrolepidoptera species found in Sweden are 1121, of which 16 are introduced. 85 new provincial records are reported.

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