Intressanta fynd av storfjärilar (Macrolepidoptera) i Sverige 2022
Lepidoptera, Macrolepidoptera, storfjärilar, årsrapport, nya fyndAbstract
This is the 50th consecutive annual report of new and interesting finds of Macrolepidoptera in Sweden, including a compilation of new provincial records; most of the new records are retrieved from personal reports and the Swedish Species Observation System In 2022 two new species of Macrolepidoptera were recorded for the first time in Sweden: Pungeleria capreoloaria and Heliothis nubigera. A previously unseen number of individuals of the following migrating species reached Sweden in 2022: Macroglossum stellatarum, Utetheisa pulchella, Isturgia arenacearia, Trichoplusia ni, Heliothis peltigera, Helicoverpa armigera, and Spodoptera exigua. Examples of other migrating species not yet reproducing in Sweden recorded in Sweden in 2022 were Amata phegea, Acherontia atropos, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Orthonama obstipata, Catocala elocata, Hyssia cavernosa, Xylomoia graminea, Mythimna vitellina, Peridroma saucia, Agrotis bigramma, Euxoa ochrogaster and Autographa excelsa. Species on their range limit, that might have populations reproducing in Sweden, recorded in 2022 were Argynnis laodice, Scopula nigropunctata, Cyclophora annularia, Caradrina kadenii, Lacanobia splendens and Xestia ditrapezium. In the warmer climate, many species continue to colonise new provinces and thus extend their ranges mainly northwards and inland in Sweden. Examples of such species are Araschnia levana, Apatura ilia, A. iris, Callopistria juventina, Atethmia centrago, Conisania luteago, Nyctobrya muralis and Noctua interposita. In contrast to species expanding their range margins, many other species are contracting their ranges due to intensified land use and habitat destruction, e.g. Photedes captiuncula and Entephria caesiata. The two critically endangered butterfly species, Melitaea britomartis, Plebejus argyrognomon and the endangered Boloria polaris, were not observed in Sweden in 2022 and might be extinct from Sweden. Lithostege farinata, recorded in 2021, could not be re-found in 2022. Also, many species connected to taiga forests, like Baptria tibiale, Victrix umovii and several northern Xestia species, are declining more or less strongly due to the intense industrial forestry. The total number of macrolepidoptera recorded in Sweden is now 1132, of which 16 are introduced.

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