Styltflugor i Sveriges fjällvärld (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)


  • Magnus Persson


Diptera, Dolichopodidae, styltflugor, fjällvärlden


In this article I present records of alpine species of long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) in the Swedish Scandes. These species are threatened by the current climate change as higher future temperatures will lead to a rise in the tree line which will destroy current habitats. They are therefore important as bio-indicators. Sixteen species were defined as alpine as they are predominately found in the subalpine and alpine areas. The species are: Argyra subarctica, Campsicnemus paradoxus, Dolichopus annulitarsis, D. armillatus, D. discimanus, D. mannerheimi, D. pseudomigrans, Hydrophorus alpinus, H. pilipes, H. rogenhoferi, H. signifer, Rhaphium albifrons, R. albomaculatum, R. confine, R. glaciale, and Scellus spinimanus. Both historical and recent records of these species are presented. As records are too few, no trends in the distribution or abundance could be identified based on collected data. I suggest that these species should be closely monitored in the future so that any declining trend can be identified early.




Referera så här

Persson, M. (2022). Styltflugor i Sveriges fjällvärld (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Entomologisk Tidskrift, 143(1-2), 81–92. Hämtad från




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