[Two thrips new to Scandinavia: Hoplothrips caespitis (Uzel, 1895) and Megalothrips bonannii Uzel, 1895 along with new province records
Thysanoptera, thrips, new recordAbstract
Hoplothrips caespitis (Uzel, 1895) and Megalothrips bonannii Uzel, 1895 were recorded for the first time in Sweden, and the species are also new to Scandinavia. The species were found in Scania (Skåne) in the southernmost part of Sweden in dry grassland habitat and close to a small river. Two additional species Aeolothrips astutus Priesner, 1926 and Odontothrips biuncus John, 1921 are new to the province of Scania. Notes on biology, host plants and distribution in Sweden and Europe are given.
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