Två nya Drapetis-arter (Diptera: Hybotidae) från Sverige
Empidoidea, Hybotidae, Drapetis, ny artAbstract
Drapetis undulata sp. nov. and D. terjei sp. nov. (Diptera: Hybotidae) are described on material from the Baltic islands Öland and Gotland (Sweden), respectively. Both species are related to D. hirsuticercis Stark, 2003 with which they form a species group characterised by the long setae on the tips of both left and right cercus and the cerci being fused for a short distance near their tip. Drapetis terjei sp. nov. has the tip of the left cercus as long as the tip of right cercus and the hind femur about as wide as the fore femur. In Drapetis undulata sp. nov. the left cercus is much shorter than the right cercus and the hind femur is much thicker than the fore femur. Females of both species are unknown.

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