New data on Swedish shore flies (Diptera: Ephydridae)
shore flies, Diptera, Ephydridae, Ephydridae in SwedenAbstract
Nineteen species of shore flies (Ephydridae) are reported from Sweden for the first time, including some species that has been known from the country for several years but previously without published records. For Ditrichophora gulkana Zatwarnicki & Mathis, 2010 it is also the first record for Europe. Diasemocera nana (Loew, 1860), Athyroglossa flaviventris (Meigen, 1830), Gymnoclasiopa aulisioi (Canzoneri, 1976), Notiphila nubila Dahl, 1973, Polytrichophora indistincta Stuke, 2016, Rhinonapaea metallica (Cole, 1921), Parydra hecate (Haliday, 1833) and Scatophila unicornis Czerny, 1900 are reported from Fennoscandia for the first time. An updated checklist of species of Ephydridae reported from Sweden is provided.
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